Rules to Access Arwyp Medical Centre

Rules to access Arwyp Medical Centre,

in compliance with COVID-19 regulations.

  • Access to the hospital will be to visit a patient, the pharmacy and/or the coffee shop.
  • All visitors are required to undergo a symptom screening check at the entrance of the hospital.
Visitors are obliged to complete a symptom survey that is available on the website and it can be completed prior to the visit. On completion of the symptom survey, a visitor access pass notification will be sent to their cell phone to grant access at the entrance of the hospital. This option will allow you to enter the hospital via the express que.
  • In the event that a visitor is unable to complete the symptom survey prior to the visit it can be completed at the entrance of the hospital. Visitors should arrive earlier to prevent queuing delays.
  • Only one visitor per day per patient.
  • Security will monitor the visitors per patient and will not allow more than one visitor per day.
No children under the age of 12 years are allowed, and if they are older than 12 years, they will have to go to the ward by themselves to visit a family member.
  • Non-compliance of access rules to Arwyp Medical Centre, can lead to a decision by management to revoke visits to the establishment, in-line with regulation compliance.

Infection control behaviour.

Perform hand hygiene:

  • Wash your hands or spray with hand sanitiser on arrival at the hospital and again on arrival at the ward or department.
  • Wash your hands or spray with hand sanitiser during the time you are in the ward or department, especially if you touch anything.
  • Wash your hands or spray with hand sanitiser on leaving the hospital and when you arrive at home.

Please make certain that your mask covers both your nose and mouth and to keep it on at all times, in addition to correctly wearing any other personal protective equipment as directed by hospital staff.
Visitors must remain at the patient’s bedside throughout the visit unless directed by the clinical team and are not permitted to walk around the hospital or gather in lounge or smoking areas.
Limit the number of items you bring with you when visiting a patient in our wards.
Maintain physical distancing from anyone else in the hospital.

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